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Menu for July 31 & August 7

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V: Vegetarian | GF: Gluten Free | DF: Dairy Free | Freezes Well

Vegetarian / Pescatarian

  • Zucchini Parm--Small Wonder Farm Zucchino Rampicante hand-breaded served with marinara and mozzarella cheese, side of roasted tomatoes (V, can be GF, can be DF)
  • Tuscan Pasta--shrimp, cherry tomatoes, and greens in a parmesan cheese cream sauce over pasta (can be GF)
  • Balsamic Blackened Tuna Steak--wild caught tuna steak served with chickpea Mediterranean salad (GF, can be DF)
  • Peach and Heirloom Tomato Salad with fresh basil, swiss cheese, greens, and our balsamic vinaigrette (V, GF, can be DF)


  • Penne al Forno--a La Scala classic. Chicken, greens, and mushrooms baked with marinara, mozzarella, and cheddar with pasta (can be GF)
  • Steak Au Poivre–Fischer Farms flat iron steak with brandy peppercorn sauce, grilled summer vegetables (GF, can be DF)
  • Chicken Marsala–chicken breast and mushrooms in a Marsala wine cream sauce, served with lemon basil risotto (GF)
  • Stuffed Pork Tenderloin--Fischer Farms pork stuffed with spinach, sun dried tomatoes, and mozzarella; with a side of buttermilk potato salad (GF)
  • Chicken, Peach, and Heirloom Tomato Salad (GF, can be DF)

Customize Your Delivery


  • Grilled Summer Vegetables (V, GF, DF)
  • Lemon Basil Risotto (V, GF)
  • Creamy Cucumber Dill Salad (V, GF, DF with vinegar and oil dressing)
  • Salad Greens and Dressing

Extras--Hearty Soups, Salads, & More

  • Corn, Potato, & Bacon Chowder (Week One) (GF)
  • White Bean & Kale Soup (Week Two) (V, GF, DF)
  • La Scala's Famous Tomato Basil Bisque (V, GF)
  • Buttermilk Potato Salad (V, GF)
  • Buttermilk Potato Salad with Bacon (GF)
  • Chickpea Mediterranean Salad–with cucumber, tomato, bell pepper, tomato, red onion, feta, mixed Mediterranean olives (V, GF, can be DF)


  • Week One: Individual Peach Cheesecake or GF/DF Ginger Peach Scone
  • Week Two: Lemon Blueberry Coffee Cake or GF/DF Lemon Blueberry Coffee Cake

La Scala, Small Wonder Farm, & Local Curated Products

  • La Scala Marinara, Alfredo, and Paglia Sauces
  • Small Wonder Farm Heirloom Slicing Tomatoes
  • Small Wonder Farm Cherry Tomatoes
  • Opt-in Bonus Item: Mud Puppy Mixed Flower Bouquet